

In-depth knowledge.

Orient Matters offers facts, assessments, and background information. We analyze complex dynamics and identify key trends.

Our services include briefings on current developments, ongoing monitoring, reports and studies, country and market analyses, as well as specific risk analyses.


Comprehensive advice.

Orient Matters develops solutions to deal with uncertainty. We thoroughly examine the context of your projects and point out strategic options.

Our services include the development of strategies to mitigate political and economic risks, the preparation of concepts for projects in the region as well as strategic support and capacity building for the implementation of projects.

Expert Network

Genuine expertise.

Orient Matters brings together renowned specialists and leverages diverse perspectives for your projects.

Our expert network comprises both local and international professionals with extensive experience on the ground and backgrounds in economics, international relations, political science, and related disciplines.

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The Orient Matters. To us. To you.

The Orient Matters.
To us. To you.

Orient Matters GmbH

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